Blockchain generic use cases

You would surely like to have an scheme to help you to identify potential applications of blockchain technology in your company or institution. Based on the characteristics of the blockchain and its properties as a generic data store for all kinds of data, the following...

The value in decentralization

The blockchain’s raison d’être goes beyond transforming enterprise systems and replacing intermediaries. It is oriented to conform a new social system widely decentralized. This decentralization does not mean anarchy or performing illegal acts. It rather represents granting power to the individual and fewer restrictions. It...

Everybody lies?

For the craved Dr. House there was no doubt. And technological innovations seem to prove him right. If you study the blockchain technology applications that are disrupting the business world, all seem oriented to answer the different lies or deceptions established and specific to each...

Blockchain and the insurance industry

The insurance industry seems to be uniquely positioned to benefit from blockchain technology. Blockchain can address the competitive challenges many incumbents face, including poor customer engagement, limited growth in mature markets, and the trends of digitization. Not only does blockchain offer the promise of cost reduction...

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